TPE Civil chooses Kobelco

Bruce Chapman Owner of TPE Earthmoving & Civil
started with a Kobelco 7.5 tonne excavator and now has 8 Kobelco excavators ranging from 1.8 tonne through to 35 tonne. Bruce says, “We get a fantastic run out of them, the low fuel consumption is fantastic and operators love them. Our ability to do jobs is backed up by Kobelco’s reliability. Operators love it for the comfort, air conditioning, great vision, smooth operation of stick and slew which is better than all the other brands. Our local Kobelco Dealer in Newcastle, Gato Sales has been fantastic, no problems with service or backup.”

Click on the video image below for more on why Bruce and his operators love Kobelco excavators.

Image TPE Civil chooses Kobelco 2 - Kobelco Excavators

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