Kobelco performance, fuel saving stand out in big earthmoving business

Queensland earthmoving contractor Dan Baumann monitors the efficiency of every unit in his 100-machine fleet, and has found that his two Kobelco SK350LC-8 excavators save him at least $30,000 of fuel per year.

Dan and his wife Del run Gold Coast-based Peachey Constructions, which undertakes civil and bulk excavation work in dry and wet conditions, with some machines fitted with extra wide track shoes to work in soft ground.

Peachey Constructions record all the hours each machine works in a day and how much fuel it consumes, they then compile weekly, monthly and yearly statistics.

“Compared to one of the major brands, we estimate each Kobelco could save us $15,000 per year, based on running 2000 hours in the year at $1.50 per litre for diesel.”

“We currently run 40 excavators. Even if we only look at saving $15,000 per year per machine, that would translate to $600,000 more in the back pocket per year if all our machines were Kobelco excavators. That’s big money,” says Dan.

Dan adds, “
The operators love it. I have two lead operators who have been in the industry for a long time and they say the Kobelco is streaks ahead of the other excavators we have.”

“They have reserved one each and don’t drive anything else. The machines have both proven to be rugged and reliable in addition to delivering comfort and efficiency.”

“With margins constantly being squeezed it is good to know that our Kobelco excavators will help us gain back some of the profits that the current economic environment has taken away.”

 Image Kobelco performance, fuel saving stand out in big earthmoving business 2 - Kobelco Excavators


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